Third party libraries

There are several 3rd party modules that you can use to add additional functionality and features to your BootstrapVue project.


  • The components and libraries listed here are not directly endorsed by BootstrapVue, and are listed here only for convenience, and is by no means a complete list.
  • These libraries may have additional dependencies.


Note: Many of the 3rd party components listed are lacking accessibility features and may not be fully WAI-ARIA compliant, nor accessible to keyboard-only and/or screen-reader users. These libraries may also not be tailored for mobile devices.


Alternatives to BootstrapVue's b-icon-* components:

Date and Time Pickers

Alternatives to BootstrapVue's <b-form-datepicker>, <b-calendar>, <b-form-timepicker>, and <b-time> components:

Color pickers

Alternatives to using <b-form-input type="color"> (which is not natively supported by all browsers, nor supports alpha channels)

Type Ahead

  • Vue Bootstrap TypeAhead _Note: This component is keyboard accessible, but is not fully WAI-ARIA compliant_ (specifically for screen reader users)

Commenting and discussion


Form validation

For examples of using these validation libraries, refer to our Validation reference section.

Site generation